Keep Console Window Open After Program Terminates Visual Studio 2010

2020. 2. 28. 08:36카테고리 없음

  1. Keep Console Window Open After Program Terminates Visual Studio 2010 Product Key
  2. Keep Console Window Open After Program Terminates Visual Studio 2010 Tools For Office Runtime
  3. Visual Studio Console Window Not Showing

Here's a solution that (1) doesn't require any code changes or breakpoints, and (2) pauses after program termination so that you can see everything that was printed. It will pause after either F5 or Ctrl+F5. The major downside is that on VS2013 Express (as tested), it doesn't load symbols, so debugging is very restricted.Create a batch file. I called mine runthenpause.bat, with the following contents:%1%2%3%4%5%6%7%8%9pauseThe first line will run whatever command you provide and up to eight arguments. The second line will.

Pause.Open the project properties Configuration properties Debugging. Change 'Command Arguments' to $(TargetPath) (or whatever is in 'Command'). Change 'Command' to the full path to runthenpause.bat. Hit OK.Now, when you run, runthenpause.bat will launch your application, and after your application has terminated, will pause for you to see the console output.I will post an update if I figure out how to get the symbols loaded. I tried /Z7 per but without success.


A lot of users have been asking why their console application terminates immediately after running/debugging their program in the Visual C IDE. Users claim to see a quick flash of the console application and then it disappears.This is due to the fact that when your program is run, it creates a temporary console session to invoke your application. Without any code to explicitly keep the console open (i.e. Requiring that the user enter in a value using cin ), the console terminates immediately after the code completes. This is why you see a quick flash of your console application.There are a few things you can do to see the output of your program. Start your application without debugging (Ctrl+F5). When doing this, the C IDE creates a batch file that executes your code and displays the text 'Press any key to continue'.

This will allow the console to stay on the screen and allow you to view the output. Set a breakpoint in the code and run with debugging (F5).

When you hit the breakpoint, you can see the console window's current output. Run the application from a command prompt. Press Start-All Programs-Visual C 2005 Express Edition-Visual Studio Tools-Visual Studio 2005 command prompt.

Keep Console Window Open After Program Terminates Visual Studio 2010 Product Key

Then navigate to the directory (using 'cd') where the.exe is located. Run the application by typing in the name of the.exe at the command prompt. You will see the output from the program in the command prompt.Hopefully this will help people get their first C application up and running! I have gotten the Pause to work just fine but I see something tricky in the #if someone explaine this to me please!I am going to paste in a small piece of code and teh problem i see is that when I run my app from VS2010 with the Debugger Attached either the Green play button or (F5) this block of code does not execute. # if debugsystem('pause');#endifIf I run this app without the debugger attached (ctrl+F5) then I get only one line of the Pause which is the code that the IDE supplies so again my block of code does not run.If i change the block of code to the following. When I run the app via green play button or (F5) The block of code executes.

If i run with (ctrl+F5) then it executes also. debugsystem('pause');#endifI get the same results with getch;Now I am new to C I have been developing in the.Net framework for several years but most of the time it was been with VB and C#. So it could be something very simple I would just like an explenation. The #if statement is the preprocessor, so it is looking for if the symbol exists.When you write#if DEBUGYou are saying to the preprocessor, if this symbol exists and it has a non zero value.

So this means that undefined symbols are treated as zero. But I think the biggest thing to remember is the preprocessor isn't part of the main compilation. Whats more,it isn't seen as an error since this is how conditional compilation is done. For example, we have types like sizet which change size depending on platform, under 32 bit Windows it is seen as unsigned int, on 64 bit Windows it is seen as long long. This couldbe accomplished by the #if statement as follows #ifdef WIN64typedef long long sizet;#elsetypedef unsigned int sizet;#endifSo on the 32 bit compiler where WIN64 isn't defined, it will remove the first typedef and see the second one only.

Keep Console Window Open After Program Terminates Visual Studio 2010 Tools For Office Runtime

On a 64 bit compiler where WIN64 is defined it will use the first typedef and remove the second. So remember #if is different from if, andit is not an error when a symbol used by #if is not defined.Visit my (not very good) blog at Here is another reason the console may disappear and the solution.With the new visual studio 2010 you might see this behavior even when you use ctrl f5 aka 'start without debugging'. This is most likely because you created an 'empty project' instead of a 'Win32 console application'. If youcreate the project as a 'Win32 console application' you can disregard this as it does not apply.In the older versions it would default to the console subsystem even if you selected 'empty project', but not in 2010, so you have to set it manually. To do this select the project in the solution explorer on the right or left (probably is alreadyselected so you don't have to worry about this).

Visual Studio Console Window Not Showing

Then select 'project' from the menu bar drop down menus, then select '.projectname. properties' 'configuration properties' 'linker' 'system'and set the first property, the drop down 'subsystem' property to 'console (/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE)'. The console window should now stay open after execution as usual.